Club Executive
We thank the current volunteers who make up our club executive and committee. We meet every month either in person or mostly online to discuss important club matters and ideas to make Central City, Auckland's best baseball club.
President: Roy Antunovich
Vice President: Travis McGrath
Secretary: Kiri Hay
Treasurer: Bronwyn Rensburg
Head Scorer: Marie Weaver
Committee: Aaron Senden, Chad Bryant, Phil Horrobin
If you wish to volunteer a little of your time to contribute to the future of Central City Baseball, we'd love your help. Contact Roy Antunovich for details of the next committee.
We also appreciate any volunteers to help with the overall running of the Club's facilities along with helping at games and hosted tournaments putting up gazebos, seating and helping sell raffle tickets. We also have pre and post season jobs such as putting up and taking down fencing. Any help is appreciated.